Monday, November 21, 2011

Envisioning My Capstone Project


For my MS CSIT capstone project, I will be developing a product/prototype with the following attributes:

  • Innovative, technology-centered and global in outlook
  • Clear, sellable vision
  • Exciting and motivating for me
The knowledge and skills cultivated through this degree program that I wish to integrate in the capstone project are:
  1. Marketing
  2. Operating systems
  3. Artificial intelligence
  4. Organizational behavior
  5. Project management
  6. Fundamentals of business administration
  7. Database management (MySQL)
  8. Web scripting (PHP)
  9. Computer networking
  10. Software development (Android)
It makes sense to focus my capstone on developing a software application that runs on Android and web, and draws on a MySQL DB using AI tools. Integrate marketing concepts, autopoeisis, project management/business administration.

Other possible knowledge to integrate into the project: 
  • Psychology
  • Social media
  • Environmentalism/sustainability
  • Entertainment media
  • Brand management
Idea 1: Intelligent search agent operated from a mobile device that runs from the cloud or a remote device and  finds/organizes/presents information according to your needs. Should also be able to track trends. An example of one application for this would be following the performance and activities of companies on the stock market. Another example would be using it as a research tool to investigate a myriad of possible targets.

Idea 2: Web site and Android app that allow a user to input details about a room or building and receive back a feng shui report on the space complete with suggestions on how to improve the flow of qi with harmonizing colors and objects.

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