Our first class meeting went well. In addition to reviewing the purpose and methods of the course, Eric divided us into five groups. These five groups of five are responsible for working together through the duration of the course.
To get the collaborative juices flowing we started by answering the question: "What are the top ten reasons people choose to complete an MBA?" Interestingly enough every group has some basically the same answers.
Next, we were tasked with deciding upon a simple, yet exciting business that would be our group project for the course, and selecting a name for our group. My group, Group D, set about this task by exploring the expertise of the the individuals in the group: communications, programming, education, real estate, administration. We approached these challenges with a consensus process and brainstormed several ideas, finally agreeing to decide during our first skype meeting on Sunday 9/18, 4:30pm. In the meantime, we created a group collaboration blog to capture our ideas and facilitate our discussions.
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